The University of Alabama Academic Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide


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The University of Alabama Academic Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide



The University of Alabama (UA) academic calendar serves as a roadmap for students, faculty, and staff, outlining important dates, deadlines, and events throughout the academic year. It is an essential tool for planning schedules, ensuring timely completion of coursework, and staying informed about university closures and holidays. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the UA academic calendar, including an overview of the academic year, important dates, and key deadlines.

Overview of the Academic Year

The UA academic year consists of three semesters:

  • Fall Semester: Typically begins in late August and ends in early December.
  • Spring Semester: Begins in early January and ends in early May.
  • Summer Semester: Begins in late May and ends in early August.

Important Dates

Fall Semester

  • First Day of Classes: Late August
  • Labor Day Holiday: First Monday in September
  • Fall Break: Typically in October
  • Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday before Thanksgiving through Sunday after Thanksgiving
  • Last Day of Classes: Early December
  • Final Exams: Early to mid-December

Spring Semester

  • First Day of Classes: Early January
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday: Third Monday in January
  • Spring Break: Typically in March
  • Easter Break: Friday before Easter through Monday after Easter
  • Last Day of Classes: Early May
  • Final Exams: Early to mid-May

Summer Semester

  • First Day of Classes: Late May
  • Independence Day Holiday: July 4th
  • Last Day of Classes: Early August
  • Final Exams: Early to mid-August

Key Deadlines


  • Priority Registration: Typically begins in March for Fall semester and in October for Spring semester.
  • Open Registration: Begins after Priority Registration for all students.

Tuition and Fees

  • Tuition Due Date: Typically in July for Fall semester and in December for Spring semester.
  • Late Payment Fee: Assessed if tuition is not paid by the due date.

Course Add/Drop

  • Add Deadline: Typically within the first two weeks of each semester.
  • Drop Deadline: Typically before the midpoint of each semester.


  • Withdrawal Deadline: Typically before the midpoint of each semester.
  • Withdrawal Fee: Assessed if withdrawal occurs after the deadline.


  • Final Grades Due: Typically within 48 hours of the last day of final exams.
  • Grade Appeals Deadline: Typically within a few weeks of the release of final grades.

Other Important Dates

  • New Student Orientation: Typically held in August and January.
  • Commencement: Typically held in May and December.
  • University Closures: The university is typically closed on major holidays, including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, and Christmas.

Accessing the Academic Calendar

The UA academic calendar is available online at: It is recommended that students, faculty, and staff regularly consult the academic calendar to stay up-to-date on important dates and deadlines.

Updates and Changes

The UA academic calendar is subject to change. Any updates or changes will be announced on the university’s website and through official university communication channels.


The University of Alabama academic calendar is an invaluable resource for students, faculty, and staff. By understanding the academic year, important dates, and key deadlines, individuals can plan their schedules effectively, ensure timely completion of coursework, and stay informed about university closures and holidays. Regularly consulting the academic calendar is essential for academic success and a smooth university experience.

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