Board of Education Calendar 2025-2026


In this auspicious occasion, we are delighted to delve into the intriguing topic related to Board of Education Calendar 2025-2026. Let’s weave interesting information and offer fresh perspectives to the readers.

Board of Education Calendar 2025-2026



The Board of Education (BOE) calendar outlines the key dates and events for the upcoming school year. It provides a comprehensive overview of important meetings, holidays, and other events that will impact students, parents, and staff. This article will delve into the details of the BOE calendar for the 2025-2026 school year, providing essential information for all stakeholders.

Key Dates and Events


  • August 11: First day of school for students
  • August 18: BOE meeting


  • September 5: Labor Day (holiday)
  • September 15: BOE meeting


  • October 13: Columbus Day (holiday)
  • October 20: BOE meeting


  • November 11: Veterans Day (holiday)
  • November 24-28: Thanksgiving break (holiday)
  • November 27: BOE meeting


  • December 22-January 2: Winter break (holiday)


  • January 19: BOE meeting
  • January 26: Professional development day (no school for students)


  • February 16: Presidents’ Day (holiday)
  • February 23: BOE meeting


  • March 13-17: Spring break (holiday)
  • March 23: BOE meeting


  • April 10: Easter Monday (holiday)
  • April 20: BOE meeting


  • May 29: Memorial Day (holiday)
  • May 31: BOE meeting


  • June 12: Last day of school for students
  • June 15: BOE meeting

BOE Meeting Schedule

The BOE will hold monthly meetings throughout the school year, typically on the third Tuesday of each month. These meetings are open to the public and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with the Board and discuss important educational matters.

Holidays and Breaks

The BOE calendar includes several holidays and breaks throughout the school year. Students will have days off for Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Winter break, Spring break, Easter Monday, and Memorial Day.

Professional Development Days

Professional development days are dedicated to providing teachers and staff with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. During these days, students will not have school.

Other Important Dates

In addition to the key dates and events listed above, the BOE calendar may include other important dates such as parent-teacher conferences, school events, and community meetings. These dates will be communicated to stakeholders through school websites, email, and other channels.


The BOE calendar for the 2025-2026 school year provides a comprehensive overview of important dates and events. This information is essential for students, parents, and staff to plan their schedules and stay informed about upcoming activities. The BOE encourages all stakeholders to refer to the calendar regularly and to contact their school or district with any questions or concerns. By working together, the BOE and the community can ensure a successful and productive school year for all.

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Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into Board of Education Calendar 2025-2026. We hope you find this article informative and beneficial. See you in our next article!